New guestbook
(since April 2007) in www.reverbnation.com/liufang
or www.facebook.com/liufangmusic.
Thank you for visiting.
- "What
a gift to humankind! She created great music!! One does not need
to understand Chinese culture or history to appreciate the great
music she played but an appreciative mind and heart for HUMAN's
contribution to Earth's cultural diversity! Hope more humans will
continue to create such wonders and less killings, destructions,
hatreds, and prejudices.
Fan of cultural diversity, CT, USA, 2014" - singy1980
- "This
is about as close to a religious experience I've EVER come."
"oh my god? this is magic!"
"Even the fingering is marvelous. Watching her play is almost
as beautiful as listening to her"
- "Amazing
play of the pipa,? as a solo piece that bring out the best of
the almighty string and with your skilful play, wow, it's real
fantastic, my full respect to you for your stellar performance.
It's force, courage, spiritual, anguish, joy, fear, hope all seamlessly
fused beautifully into one piece of virtuoso play. Thank you."
"What an amazing player!!!? Love every minute of it. She
is so skillful with the instrument. I am moved by the music. Thank
- "Yesterday,
I hadn't a clue what a "pipa" was. ? After watching
this video, I will never forget."
"never? did a musician touch me so much. This music will
long live in the future."
- "Simply
amazing. I close my eyes and I imagine 'The Ambus' taking place
as Liu Fang strums her Pipa. Just amazing, I can't believe that
there are 15 people who "disliked" the video.. that's
crazy! If Liu Fang were ever to play in where I live, near Boston,
I would certainly go to see her play. I have seen her play the
Guzheng too and she is very adept at that instrument as well.
A+ and 5-Stars to Liu Fang!!!"
- "Look
at her, she really feels the music. That's the type of musician
I admire."
breath was taken away by? the fingers movements and the intensity
of the performance. FANTASTIC!!!"
"This is one musical performance that really deserves to
be seen? and heard at the same time. An audio CD simply would
not do it justice.Very sensitive and creative videography."
blown away ? . . ."
"Her beauty matches her incredible? talent. I hope to see
her in concert in the States someday."
"Her hand looks like the world's most musical spider."
my favorate, I can listen to this all day without a break."

looked very graceful when playing this instrument. It was really
quite beautiful."
"This is one of those instruments that sounds sooo much
more glorious in person.? If you think this is amazing... wait
until you hear one live. It's the coolest instrument ever."
"I'm not? chinese, but I must recognize that chineses are
the best on what they do. Their culture is rich and beautiful
and they have a lot of discipline. It's certainly a masterpiece
performed by a talented person." 
her albums and let me tell you...a must have for any quality
collection. Each performance is ear opening, transports you
in time and another place. Thank you for this video discovery,
the sound qiality on the albums is a mile better."
is one of the rare spiritual musicians like Wynton Marsalis
or Nigel Kennedy. But nobody looks so neat as she does. Great
soul, great artist." 
Fang's music is amazing. She's better than some of the all time
greats in my opinion."
music,behind feeling,behind space...great; very impressive...
i wished i was there to see it in person... amazing... "
is about as close to a religious experience I've EVER come.
I believe that instrument in the beginning is a "se"? If so,
can someone PLEAAASE tell me where to get one of these. price
is no matter, for I am in love." 
My mind has been abused by lyrics and phrases, good and bad.
They show up randomly, uninvited, and outstay their welcome
(my tolerance). Loudly they assert themselves and ceaselessly
repeat, rolling over my own honest thoughts until all that remain
are sharp little barbs of disembodied meaning, floating in a
fragmented anti-pattern soup of passionate agreement, baffled
indifference, and vehement aversion. One loud little die-hard
corner – La Résistance – manages to rise
above the din; scream for silence, for drugs, for oblivion,
and finally (remembering) for Liu Fang, who is my Heroine. Her
weapon is the Pipa, and with deftest fingers she will rapidly
pluck out all offenders, and expertly piece back together my
consciousness — as though a jigsaw-puzzle — with
each clear and beautiful note.?." 
- "Amazing
play of the pipa, as a solo piece that bring out the best of the
almighty string and with your skilful play, wow, it's real fantastic,
my full respect to you for your stellar performance. It's force,
courage, spiritual, anguish, joy, fear, hope all seamlessly fused
beautifully into one piece of virtuoso play. Thank you."

you for a wonderful performance! Even my children, who are uneducated
in this style of music, were very impressed! Great work and
" Intense!
Committed and involved! I don't know how she does it. She is
a trailblazer."
doubts she is a miraculous child prodigy. Let's keep our fingers
crossed that she will become a trailblazing genius..."
Lightness, delicacy, softness and feminine energy in each movement.
Beautiful and amazing.? Unique and spectacular." 
perfect performance by a talented and disciplined musician.
She clearly displayed the emotional state of King Chu as he
prepared for war. The state of fear, hope, tension, anxiety
and courage were all played beautifully. ..."
sounds so difficult with the quick strokes and all...might even
be so, but it looks so easy and she's so calm... perfect."
absolutely great performance, can't tell whether pipa is her,
or she is pipa"
- Wonderful!
It's amazing watching her picking hand~ so graceful.
- Yep, his
jaw dropped at the section where she was playing this whole stretch
of harmonic notes? in conjunction with "normal" notes.
Absolutely amazing technique. My jaw dropped too.
- "The
life that this young woman breaths into this instrumenrt is beyond
description,. She and the pipa become one ias you? can feel her
emotions spill out from the strings and touch your soul."
- "Man,
people always ask in the comments, "How do people dislike
this?" Normally I can understand, it's just different tastes,
but honestly, how CAN you dislike this? This is superhuman. Unbelievably
beautiful stuff here. The foundation of what makes? humans such
an interesting species. Watch this video in a quiet room with
closed eyes.... Nothing need be said."
"is it weird that i find myself listening? to brutal death
metal, classic rock like Toto and Deep Purple, ambient, some old
bands and artists even from the 30's and 40's.. And now Chinese
folk music o.O
Anyway, beautiful."
The above comments are made by
Listeners from various parts of the world, through www.youtube.com
December 2006 - August 2010.
Comments through

signed in 2006 and earlier years
- my dear liu,
how can one ever forget you. You came to Africa and left Abuja with
memories of your incredible art. May God continue to bless those fingers
of yours. And when I asked that you play one last strain just for
me, you kindly obliged me. The strains still run in my head. May God
continue to bless your kind soul. Your friend DILI
dili f. biosah <prideofafricaaward-at-yahoo.com>
abuja, fct nigeria - 2006-06-28
- Liu Fang never
ceases to amaze the audience with her complete mastery of pipa and
guzheng. Her emotional involvment with her instrument is infectious.
When she is playing pipa, I cannot tell the pipa and Fang apart. They
become one and the same. I personally love her guzheng even more.
Hearing her play guzheng gives the feeling that thousand of years
of chinese classical musical tradition is presenting itself to the
listener. Long live Liu fang.
Arvind Pradhan <pradhanarvind@hotmail.com>
Canada - 2006-03-05
- I'm a novice
didgeridoo player and I enjoyed your site. Keep up the good work.
I put some information on didjeridu and yidaki together on http://web.sakra.ch
(see: http://web.sakra.ch/didgeridoo.html) Thanks for your visit!
Marek <notar@sakra.ch>
Bern, Bern Switzerland - November 7, 2005
- Your music
is like a dream. When I heard it it is like a little rain against
my skin. Beautiful and respectul. Thanks for your ability. Never stop
it, let it rain ... again and again.
Fabien LM <lordvader(at)hotmail.fr>
Vichy, FRANCE - November 5, 2005
- Wow..it
is alway's so inspiring to discover a true original.Your music transends
this world...and made mine better...
joeyfiasco <joeyfiasco-at-yahoo.com>
Toronto, ont Canada - September 9, 2005
- I am an English
54 year old composer and am very interested in Chinese music and Arabic
music as well.
keith <healingrays28-at-hotmail.com>
London, UK - June 24, 2005
- Hallöchen,
durch zufall bin ich auf diese Seite geraten,und ich finde sie sehr
interessant und ansprechend. macht weiter so, ich schau auf jedenfall
nochmal vorbei. lieben gruss aus Leipzig. May 12, 2005
- Hello Lui
Fang. I don't know if you will listen this message.
I want to know where i can find a pipa or a guzheng in China and where
can i learn those instrument always in China.
If you can help me...
Thank you for your answer and your music who and no which because
your music live and is the song of the angels.
patrice <www.sylvestre.vernier-at-netcourrier.com>
lyon, France - April 6, 2005
- Ms Fang,
Your music is the most beautiful music on this planet! I love it so
much! Its like dancing on a rain cloud in June,like a poem to all
people all over the world. I think your music has the power to bring
peace to the world. Thanks for it! Yours Patrick
Patrick Scholz <shade601-at-hotmail.com>
Büchen, Schleswig-Holstein Germany - 05.10.2004
- Beautiful
music! Our daughter was adopted from China (Shijiazhuang, Hebei) in
December 1998 and we can't wait to expose her to your music! Thank
you for sharing your talent! Your CD has been ordered! Xie xie! ~
Larry Salaets <blufox-at-cableone.net>
Nampa, ID USA - 10.03.2004
- Lovely site...my
englisch is very limited but I had no trouble finding my way through
your site. It is always interesting to see projects from other guys
in other countries. Keep up the excellent work!
Juley <sarah1506-at-yahoo.com>
- 09.03.2004
- i wish you
would come to visit and perform in a concert here in alaska. as hendrix
would say "if i don't see you in this world, i will see you in the
next one, but don't be late" best wish
jethro tulll <jethrotulll-at-hotmail.com>
fairbanks , Alaska north america - February 27, 2004
- Your friend,
Vi An I just love visiting your website and hearing how well you are
doing!!! All the best always!
Vi <vi_an13-at-hotmail.com>
Calgary, Canada - October 29, 2003
- I listened
repeatedly to the "Arabic and Chinese Music" CD throughout the weekend.
It is profoundly enjoyable every time. I keep hearing new rhythms
and sounds as if I had never heard them before.It is satisfying to
hear a group of instruments together, the way they relate, take turns,
complement each other. These are master musicians at work, indeed."
- Suzanne Stanton
CA USA - Monday, September 29, 2003
- I work for
Bell Sympatico and assisted a member who told me about your site.
It is a beautiful site and if you are ever in our area, I will definitely
see your show. Kevin Scott
Kevin Scott <enchantingromeo-at-hotmail.com>
Moncton, NB Canada - September 16, 2003
- I am glad
to make friends with you. I feel like guzheng very much, especially
gaoshanliushui and chunjiahuayueye. i am from china, nanjing city
jiapeng <zhujiewuhui-at-etang.com>
nanjing, china - June 17, 2003
- Merci Liu
Fang. Votre musique est une inspiration qui reflete l'ame de la Chine.
Vous soyiez la bienvenue au Pays de Galles quelque jour, on l'espere!
Gruffydd Fon Gruffydd <carthagenos-at-btopenworld.com>
Penmaenmawr, Le Pays de Galles - July 5, 2003
- Ms Liu Fang,
I am a high school student in malaysia and i'm 14 and i play the pipa
too, though not as well as you are.. i hope you'll have more free
music for us to listen online. Thank you!!
Yan Chyi <yanchyi_tan-at-hotmail.com>
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia - May 10, 2003
- Excellent.
Don <dklassen-at-lawdell.com>
- April 30, 2003
- Thank you
for your web site. I enjoy musical instruments from all over the world
but do not have direct access to Chinese instruments, so your site
is of much interest to me.
Harvey Brown <hbrown40-at-juno.com>
Bacliff, TX USA - April 24, 2003
- It's a really
nice website. it really gave me a lot of information i need for my
school art project. thanks a lot!
gloria <vixen_yzelman07-at-hotmail.com>
Singapore - April 20, 2003
- C'est Super!
Je vous souhaite un succes et un avenir tres brillant pour ce site!!!
Chen <saabouk03-at-yahoo.de>
Berlin, Berlin GERMANY - April 14, 2003
- Hi, I'm a
Chinese student and found your site really useful for my music project.
To show my apprieciation, I would like to say, THANX!
Joo Hiang
Singapore - March 25, 2003
- Thanks very
much for showing your tipical music, I´m very interested in
knowing this kind of music because I´m a music teacher and I
would like to send me more information about china music Thanks again:
sofia <sofmusicoes-at-yahoo.es>
Leganes, Madrid España - March 10, 2003
- Your site
is very interesting, it looks like you put a lot of hard work into
it. I am a Christian and like ecards and the Gospel I also do some
web design. So today I find these two sites, one is yours and the
other was called Gospel Greeting ( GospelGreeting ) Christian E-Cards.
Kind of interesting, I don't think it's a conicidence...anyway your
design is nice, but related to what I said earlier I would like to
talk about the content in one particular part.
- Thursday, March 06, 2003
- I recently
heard you on WRTI 90.1 FM in Philadelphia. I enjoyed your music very
much. I am planning to purchase you cd's soon. Thanks for introducing
me to the pipa.
Donald Grasso
Deptford, NJ USA - Monday, March 03, 2003
- I have discovered
your music ....I am so impressed...I wish that whenever you make a
trip here ...I would be there... Im breathless!!
Jim W <caddyoo8-at-yahoo.com.au>
Sydney, NSW Australia - February 21, 2003
- hi, i am
a chinese. at first, i am very interest in guzheng. but when i go
to a society to learn guzheng, the teacher told me that no teacher
teaches guzheng so i have to choose pipa or yanqin and i choose pipa.
i then found pipa very good. after i listen to your cd, i began to
become more interest in pipa. thanks a lot for your song
angel <angel_gwendolin-at-hotmail.com>
malaysia, sibu sarawak - February 15, 2003
- You have
a really cool site. I stumbled in by accident, but enjoyed my visit.
Alan (www.akshepherd.com) <jm-at-akshepherd.com>
Douglasville, GA USA - Tuesday, February 04, 2003
- I have a
numbered print called "Pipa" and was happy to find "Pipa" music available.
I will look into ordering a cd. The music sounds so mystical. Thanks
for sharing.
shirley erkila <rserkila-at-aol.com>
Sudbury, on canada - February 1, 2003
- ive always
been a great admirer of pipa music scince being fortunate enough to
have had sat with and listened to a gifted teacher. probably pentatonic,
definitely not constricted.08/01/2003.
brendan <oboyle25-at-aol.com>
england - January 8, 2003
- sounds like
a live performance.2003
brendan <oboyle25-at-aol.com>
england - January 6, 2003
- Hi Liu! Your
site and music was recommended to me by Marissa Marchant so I have
come to check it out! I would like to wish you much continued success
with your performance and this excellent website!
Happy New Year from Wales!
Bard of Ely
www.mp3.com/bardofely <bardofely-at-ntlworld.com>
CARDIFF, WALES - January 5, 2003
- Hallo!
Sehr schöne Seite, muss man wirklich sagen!
Schönen Gru? Petra
Klingeltöne <petra-at-swop.nu>
Essen, - January 5, 2003
- Very good
Pipa player, I like your site too.
Lucy Lu <yanrongl-at-yahoo.com>
Westford, MA United States - December 28, 2002
- My admiration
for your great art
Giorgio Pala <x>
Roma, Italy - December 16, 2002
- I love this
website! I'm doing a report on the history of the pipa, and i found
this site extremely helpful! :D
Jennifer Lee <jasthma-at-earthlink,net>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - December 16, 2002
- me gusta
esta musica tradicional de la china.
JENNY <jennyvcelis-at-hotmail.com>
bogota, - December 1, 2002
- Just starting
to learn about the pipa. Beautiful instrument.
Steve Smith
- November 14, 2002
- Great work.
My daughter loves your music, she would like to learn Pipa. Could
you please tell where I can find a Pipa teacher for her? When will
you have a concert in Toronto? she wants to watch you playing Pipa.
8th Nov. 2002
Lily <chineselily2-at-hotmail.com>
Toronto, CA - November 8, 2002
- I am an amateur
Pipa Player in Japan(A am Japanese). When I was studying Mongolian
music in Inner Mongolia, I saw this instrument and loved it and started.
I already came back to Japan several years ago, and foud Pipa Player
in Japan, began studying from this teacher.I have been studying Pipa
for three years now. At the beggining of this year, I made my own
homepage to introduce Pipa to Japanese people. recently Chinese traditional
instruments and its music came to be popular in Japan, but only Erhu
is popular,the other instruments are not so known here.
If I have chance , would like to listen to Liu Fang 's performance.
Kaori Oguni
Kawaguchi, Saitama Japan - October 19, 2002
- Thank you
for your generosity in sharing your gift of music with others. If
you ever get a moment, I would be very pleased to have you answer
this question-- What Chinese string instrument do you feel would be
the most simple to learn. I have the opportunity to visit China in
November and would love to have a "special" reminder of my visit there.
I have played guitar, mandolin, banjo and volin for years and I am
ready to stretch out my talent. Gratefully,
Jeff 15 Sept 2002
Jeff Warhol < >
Upland, Ca USA - September 11, 2002
- I was fortunate
enough to see Liu Fang perform in the Silk and Steel Ensemble at the
Calgary Folk Festival earlier this Summer and was absolutely dazzled
and enraptured. I immediately bought the three CD's that were available
there and have ordered the fourth. Wonderful music with much heart.
I look forward to another performance! Chris Burke
Christopher Burke <cburke55-at-attbi.com>
Boston, MA USA - Saturday, August 24, 2002 2:12 PM
- I enjoy pipa
very much, and have found Liu Fang's approach to the instrument to
be the most enjoyable I have encountered.
Jim Powell <>
Santa Barbara, CA USA - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 10:01 PM
- I attended
a Liu Fang concert and brought home one of her CD's. It's on the top
10 list of my favourites and I anticipate the pleasure of hearing
her again live.
Roger Cayouette <rcayouette-at-morganschaffer.com>
Montreal, QC Canada - Wednesday, July 31, 2002 1:47 PM
- Dear Liu
Fang, Did you know, that at first, I decided to play the Gu-Zheng.
But after I heard you playing, "The Ambush", I decided to play the
Pipa? Keep it up the good work! I love you music!
Serena Dai
San Jose, CA U.S.A. - July 2002
- Dear Liu
Fang, I just want to tell you that I was born in Kumming,Yin Nan too!
I will also be starting to learn the Pipa,too!
Serena Dai
San Jose, Ca U.S.A - July 2002
- I just want
to let you know that I enjoy your music so much and the sound of the
guzheng seems to take me to a place that I,ve been before. A very
nice place a place that puts warmth into my soul. I am a didgeridoo
player and when I play my didj I often can hear the sound of the guzheng
deep with in me. I like that very much.
Edward Gardner <papydude1-at-yahoo.com>
Harrisburg, Pa USA - June 2002
- What a beautifull
site. I found Chinese traditional music to be verry relaxing. Keep
up the good work.
Tom <mcdi.net-at-gte.net>
San Bernardino, United States - Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 20:33:30
Very Very good!
John Pendoza <johnpendoza-at-tripod.com.ve>
Miscellaneous, - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 19:09:31 (EST)
- Very interesting
page, but one question remains: what pitchs are the gu zheng strings
tuned to? My music dept has a gu zheng. One string is green, the next
four are white, another green, four more white, and so on. I was told
that the green strings are equivalent to the "sol" in the western
Do Re Me system. But which pitch corresponds with this "sol"? Should
the green strings be tuned to an "A" pitch? An "F" pitch? I would
be grateful for a response. Thank you.
David Stuligross
david stuligross <dstuligross-at-mail.colgate.edu>
Hamilton, NY USA - Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 10:00:29 (EST)
- Musik, insbesondere
deerart exotische, ist m.E. Balsam für das Gemüt und ich
freue mich immer, Musik aus dem Reich der Mitte zu hören. Ich
habe zwar keine Frage, aber :Das mußte mal gesagt werden. Herzlichst
Klaus Klein
Klaus klein <klaus.klein-at-contrib0800.net>
Berlin, D Deutschland - Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 22:14:57 (EST)
- hi to all
music-lovers around the world. i am very interested in your music
Georg <gr-at-tplus.at>
Austria/Europe - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 05:27:05 (EST)
- You did a
very nice job on the web site and the music is great. I was raised
with japanese music but some of the chinese music presented is absolutely
Ted <ted-at-aruba-search.com>
San Bernardino, Ca United States - Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 13:40:24
- Ms. Liu,
I feel so proud of you for your excellent performance. I'm a Guzheng
fan and tried to download your performance of "Song from fishing boat
during sutset", which is wonderful. Wish you more success and may
your days be brighter than ever before in 2002!
Demi <demi_niu-at-sohu.com>
Shenzhen, China - Monday, December 24, 2001 at 00:21:11 (EST)
- Very nice
site, risheng!
It has been a long time since i saw you in akihabara electric town
in tokyo during your trip to Japan!
I sent e-mail to you but...no answer!
This year i am "composer in residence" at la chapelle historique du
bon-pasteur; last month i organized a big concert with some NEM musicians
there with music from 21 composers from 10 differents countries at
la chapelle and Maison de la culture Côtes des neiges. also
there was a nice article about me in "Voir"magazine of wesdesday 11th
october, maybe you can find it at their web site.
I remember you offered me to do web space for me; i really could use
a web page. Why don't you give me a call? 514-948-4865
please say hello to your beautiful talented wife!
simon bertrand
bertrand <simber-at-caramail.com>
montreal, canada - Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 19:06:44 (EST)
- Dear Liu:
I am adding to your guestbook to let you how much I enjoy listening
to your "Chinese Traditional Pipa Music" CD. For many years I have
enjoyed European classical guitar and lute music, and must say that
my experience of listening to quality pipa music has encouraged me
to learn more about traditional Chinese music. If ever you are playing
a public concert in the Toronto area, I would like very much to attend.
Thanks so much!
Brian Wald <bwald-at-interlog.com>
Toronto, ON, Canada - Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 15:24:19 (EST)
- Un
commentaire à propos du disque de Liu Fang "Chinese Traditional
Pipa Music"
Si je devais construire un pont musical entre l'Orient et l'Occident
dans la musique de ce disque de Liu Fang, je choisirais Pluie printanière
(piste no 6) o?on peut entendre la gamme pentatonique asiatique "flirter"
avec la gamme diatonique européenne. Quant La grande vague
lave la plage (piste no 1) et Neige virevoltante sur le vent
(piste no 2), comment ne peut-on pas sentir la présence de
la voix dans ces petites notes descendantes qui ponctuent le milieu
des phrases...
Belle musique et superbe interprétation par Liu Fang, virtuose
Maurice Biron <mont.bleu-at-videotron.ca>
Montréal, Qc Canada - Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 09:32:10
- I would like
to order your CD but how about the payment if cann't pay cash how
can I do or do you think I can found it in Japan? Best regards,
Ming Huey-Ling <ming-at-yhb.att.ne.jp>
Yokohama, Japan - Monday, October 29, 2001 at 06:21:43 (EST)
Just follow the instructions found in liufangmusic.net/cds/.
Thank you!
Liu Fang
- Hi I am an chuan
Ruan Player and also an classical guitarist I have heard a live version
of the Yidance played on the guitar by Ms Yang Xue Fei. Wonder have
you heard the guitar version before?
See Hoe Pin <gto_20-at-edsamail.com.sg>
SIngapore - Sunday, October 23, 2001 at 13:36:51 (EDT)
- Liebe Fang,
Ich freue mich schon, wenn wir in Deutschland wieder Deinem Pipaspiel
lauschen dürfen. Dein Markus.
Markus Hollerbuhl <hollerbuhl-at-compuserve.de>
Berlin, Germany - Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 06:43:24 (EDT)
- So glad to
surf on your website today! I am pleased to hear your free pipa music
online. You have done a great job for promoting traditional and classical
chinese music. We hope to meet at your recitals in Canada. I may tell
you my daughter (7 years old) is practising PIPA now, so I hope we
would have a chance to meet together, then you could teach her. Thank
you very much!!
Harvey <doublening-at-163.net>
Nanning, GX China - Thursday, August 09, 2001 at 22:38:02 (EDT)
- Great Work
, I hope to see you in the UK soon! inchalah. Abdelkader
ABDELKADER SAADOUN <abdelkader-at-saadoun.com>
London, UK - Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 18:53:40 (EDT)
- This web
site is very nice and well designed, no gadget, the pictures don't
take too long to be downlaoded (it is often a problem on some web
sites), the texts are appropriate and some excerpts of the music are
available. I just listened to "Ambush" and "Dance of the Yi" by Liu
Fang. This music is so evocative, it brings you in its own world.
Maurice Biron <mont.bleu-at-videotron.ca>
Montreal, QC Canada - Friday, July 20, 2001 at 09:56:38 (EDT)
- Once in a
lifetime, if you're lucky, you'll meet someone that will really impress
you. Tonight, I got quite lucky... I met Liu Fang, the performer!!!
I've known Liu for 2 years, but never seen her play the pipa, but
now I know...I know why she's soooo loved around the world, why people
can't get enough of her concerts and CD's...tonight I was blessed
with the nicest gift...I've rediscovered the best kept secret in Montreal!!!
Fang, you're wonderful...a very accomplished artist...may the future
be good to both you and Risheng! Love, Eric :)
Éric Beauséjour <ebeausejour-at-videotron.ca>
Montréal, Qc Canada - Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 01:36:53 (EDT)
- Your performance
touches the deepest most soul. Excellent!!! I want to buy all of your
CD, where can I buy them in Hong Kong or from the internet?
Yiu Kai <yiukai-at-pangyiukai.net>
Hong Kong, China - Tuesday, June 19, 2001 at 12:29:24 (EDT)
- Love the
Site. Thanks!
NY, NY USA - Thursday, June 07, 2001 at 07:57:01 (EDT)
- Liu Fang,
You did a good job to let the Chinese music known by the world. I
like music and Guzheng. They are a part of my life! Shuman
Shuman <shuman-at-163.net>
Zhaoqing, Guangdong China - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 10:33:57 (EST)
- Only technique
is not enough. With Liu Fang we listen the true behind the notes and
all body plays with her.
sandra amora <amorafr-at-hotmail.com>
paris, france - Thursday, March 01, 2001 at 06:30:09 (EST)
- Ms,Liu Fang
I am pleased to inform you that your website is linked to www.sinoquebec.com
- the only one portal website oriented to Chinese in Quebec. I am
Jim - a new landed immigrant to Montreal from Shenzhen, China. Hope
we work togehter to promote Chinese culture in our own ways. It would
be better to make comments on our website: www.sinoquebec.com
Jim 2000-06-29
Jim <webmaster-at-sinoquebec.com>
Montreal, Qc Canada - Monday, June 29, 2000 at 17:25:23 (EDT)
- Heard the
oud/pipa/zheng recital in Montreal on 4/30/00. Magnificent! Superb!
Thank you.
Lewis Jacobson - 05/01/00 23:01:29
My Email:ljac-at-pitt.edu
- Bonjour,
J’au vu le concert que vous donniez hier avec Farhan Sabbagh
?la maison de la culture Frontenac et j’en suis ressorti ébloui
par votre maîtrise de l’instrument et votre musicalit?
Il y a une chaleur, une âme, dans votre musique et j’ai
beaucoup aim?la poésie qui se dégage de vos interprétations,
je pense en particulier au «Song of Tie-Ma? ?la «Romance
of Red River Valley? au «Dragon Boat Festival?et tant d’autres.
J’ai aussi ét?surpris par ce mariage des musiques chinoises
et arabes, mais aussi par la musique italienne - I’o Vol bene
- du Moyen-âge. Votre musique est une révélation,
une joie pour le coeur. Merci.
Philippe Trolliet - 05/01/00 14:51:15
My Email:ph_trol-at-cam.org
- Bonjour,
J'ai vu votre concert au Patro le Prévost le 19 mars et j'ai
ét?fort touch?par votre musique et votre façon de l'interpréter.
Ce fut un concert magnifique. Merci beaucoup
Philippe Trolliet - 03/23/00 22:08:05
My Email:ph_trol-at-cam.org